No apologies for not updating this sooner. As I said before, sometimes on this journey nothing much happens.
Bill has been removed from the transplant list in Memphis due to his age. It was discouraging when he first received the letter. But then, we decided that we are not really tied to home. The house is paid for, our income is good without including my income, so we could go to another area if necessary. So, online search for other transplant programs that do not have age requirements. So far the Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville, Fl. is at the top of the list. Bill has talked to them and they emailed a form to fill out. They also have requested the last 90 days of medical reports. Got the paperwork from Dr. Burnett and still waiting on the file from the transplant clinic.
On a more positive note, another device check was done last week and everything looked good. The med tweak that was ordered last month is working.
We spent the week-end at the Tennessee River at Pickwick Landing State Park. It is a very peaceful place, just sitting and watching the river. Heard a large ship go through the locks in the night but it was too dark to see much. We only left the lodge once and that was to get something to eat on Saturday night. Jjust getting out of town was the best part.
So, all for now. I'll let you know when we hear something, good or bad. Thanks for caring enough to read this, and for the prayers.