Friday, December 31, 2021

 Here it is, the end of another year. It had its usual ups and downs, as most years do. But I thought I would share my thoughts on the past year, and what I'm looking forward to in the new one.

We all thought that when 2020 was over, things could get back to normal as far as the pandemic went. And yet, it's still hanging around, mutating faster than anyone expected. I have been vaccinated and boosted, yet I still wear a mask when I go to the grocery store, and I only go to very few events. So many people have died, some close to me, others I only hear of or read about. And every day I hear of another friend who has been diagnosed with this virus. I don't know what it will take. While I'm a Christian, we can't pray it away as some seem to think. Yes, we can pray that it will end, we must still follow guidelines that are set out. So, I will pray in the coming year that enough people will be vaccinated and will follow the guidelines which don't take away any rights (but that's a post for another day, and I think has already been posted on my other blog).

Many of us watched in horror as the US Capitol was overrun on January 6. I actually felt sick to my stomach as I watched the windows being broken. While some of the people have already had their day in court, I'm a little disheartened that the sentences are so light. I can't help but wonder what the decisions would have been, by Congress and the courts, if terrorists from other countries had been the ones to carry out this act. You know, terrorists aren't just from other nations.

I didn't mean to make this a political post, so we'll move on from that. I realized some time in November that I was becoming very contemplative and rather melancholy. Someone very dear to me has been diagnosed with cancer and is undergoing chemo. My dear friend and neighbor lost his battle with cancer just after Thanksgiving. I was in Illinois at the time, but I had told him there was to be no shenanigans while I was gone. Apparently he didn't think he should listen to my orders! But, he was in pain and the decision was made to place him in hospice. He told me that he was ready to go. There have been many other deaths this year, of contemporaries and classmates and I think that's what drove my thoughts. But then I realized that I am at an age now when that is just a part of this season of life. Maybe it was made more apparent with all of the COVID deaths.

There have been good things that happened this year. I went to three weddings, two granddaughters and a niece. A new grand-nephew was born this week, a great-grandson is due next month and a great-granddaughter is due in March. With this great-granddaughter in March, should my mother still be alive and there's no reason she shouldn't be, it will be the 5th generation. And to make it even more special, it will be five generations of women!

This morning I accomplished three different things that I set out to do last January. I had downloaded a Scripture Writing Challenge. And this morning I wrote the final passage. Lest you think I just picked random verses, a verse or verses were given for each day. If any of you would be interested in something like this I got it from and you can download and print each month. I also found a blank scripture writing page that I printed. The entire year fit into a 2" binder. You could also just use a notebook. But, I found myself thinking about some of the scriptures that I hadn't really thought about before.

Another accomplishment this morning was completing two different devotionals. One was written by a friend of mine and I thoroughly enjoyed her insights. The other one I had purchased at the hospital one day and I had read it off and on, but this time I read it in the order it was supposed to be read. I received two new devotionals this year, one for my birthday and the other for Christmas. They are different formats, one just short little stories, the other a more in depth one. I'm looking forward to starting them tomorrow morning.

I also read through the Bible again this year. I've now done it in at least three different versions, King James, The Message, and this year, the NIV. I've found I prefer the NIV. Some of you will disagree with me, but that one is easier to understand some of the points. I do prefer King James for certain books. Psalms needs to be read in the King James, it flows much better. I haven't decided if I'm going to read it through again this year or wait until next year. I think I want to read it chronologically next. 

I've done a lot of knitting and still have several things in progress. My goal is to finish as many of them as possible this year. They are all large projects, but only one of them has a deadline to get finished and that is just 3 weeks away. But, I'm more than halfway done with it and if I don't get the idea that I need to try a new pattern, should be able to get it finished pretty quickly. Luckily I didn't do it like the pattern called for. It was to be made in three strips and then sewn together. But I hate seaming things. So, I'm just making it in one piece and it goes rather quickly.

For the past few years I've picked a word for the year. This year I hadn't been able to decide on a word. But yesterday the word CONTENTMENT came into my head and is sticking around. So maybe that is the word I'm supposed to use this year.

That's the highlights of my year. I hope yours had more good than bad times. And I hope the coming year brings good things to all of us. Happy New Year!