Saturday, June 14, 2014

This will be a very short post, and mostly for my mother's benefit. We made it home from Georgia a couple of hours ago. We're both pretty tired but we've managed to unload the car. The only problem we had was a detour in Birmingham. I love it when you are directed off the interstate but not told where to go or how to get back on! The navigator in my car wanted us to, of course, turn around which was not an option. So, I finally got off and parked and looked at the atlas. Finally figured a way to go...along with about 1 million other a construction zone...with lane limitations! All of the uncertainty upset Bill. If the plan changes mid-stream, he gets very nervous. Luckily I'm more laid back and patient, but it still was nerve wracking for me too.

So, now we have a few days to rest up, re-pack a suitcase, and get a haircut before heading to Illinois on Wednesday. I have a feeling it will be an early night for us tonight!

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