We are pretty much back to normal! Our week was pretty quiet, with nothing major going on.
We finally had the large oxygen concentrator and tanks picked up this week and I was really glad to get all of that out. Everyone kept telling me to keep them as a back-up but I just couldn't see it.
Bill has walked just about every day, sometimes twice a day. He's also back to working his word search puzzles and this morning he made the bed for the first time in a very long time. He's also gotten up earlier this week than he has for a long time. I don't know just what the difference is but I'm glad he's going more on his own.
The memories that have been popping up on my Facebook page have all been from the transplant time. The first one was about the heart starting to beat on its own. These have all brought back a lot of memories, some of them not too pleasant.
We have a granddaughter graduating from high school next week. The graduation is in Oklahoma and Bill has made the decision not to go. He realizes that he doesn't do well in crowds and with a lot of commotion going on. I hope his daughter will understand. But, we haven't gone to all of the others either. But, times change as we age, and sometimes we don't always get to do what we want to do.
My brother's oldest son is getting married in July in north Arkansas and I'm hoping we can go to that. We're going to wait until the last minute to make any reservations and will probably forego all of the meet and greet functions and just get there for the wedding. And then again, we may just wish them well.
It is sometimes frustrating to decline a lot of invitations and they can lead to wishing things were different, but, it doesn't do any good to dwell on those. This is the direction our lives have taken. When you consider that it could have been so very different, you take what you can get and be happy with it!
That's about it for this week, nothing special, and that's good.
I know all about life changes and having to turn down invites to different occasions. It doesn't make me very happy, or very popular, but it is what it is.