Posting a day early this week. We've started spring cleaning and I'm going to be busy tomorrow. Or, at least I think I'm going to be busy!
We had to take Miss Kitty back to the vet. She started sneezing over the week-end and got very lethargic Monday. The vet was dismayed that the antibiotic wasn't working (and I had been giving it to her twice a day). She was very close to pneumonia. She's still there and is improving, but will be staying at least through the week-end.
We had the edge of a tornado go through Wednesday afternoon with no warning. We later found out that the siren warning system wouldn't work when they tried to sound them. I was standing at the front door when it went through and it was over in 10 minutes. But in that 10 minutes all of the transformers around blew and there were sparks and flames everywhere. Of course the power went out. So, switched Bill to one of his big tanks and waited until the storm had passed before going out to start the generator. The power came on sometime in the middle of the night, but I didn't switch back over until daylight. The other side of the street didn't get power back until sometime in the night last night and one house was still waiting on the building inspector to come. Their meter was pulled from the house. Not only that but it left a huge hole in the house! But, everyone was safe and there were no injuries and only minor property damage that I have seen, mostly tree limbs.
The trees we planted before we went to Florida for Bill's transplant have flowered. We bought flowering poplars because they grow fast and this is the first year they have flowered. The flowers are yellow "tulips" an really pretty. All of the flowers of course blew off in the storm, but there are more blooms out now...just in time for more storms this week-end.
These storms are supposed to be stronger than the ones we just had and we are supposed to get 4-6 inches of rain. So of course we have a flood warning through Sunday night. We will just hunker down here.
Our allergies have been better and Bill isn't coughing quite as much. I'll have to see how they do when the cat comes home. We may have to find another home for her.
We're getting ready to be busy with Brianna's graduation then leaving for Mayo the next day for Bill's check-up. Time will fly by probably.
That's it for today. I need to get back to my knitting and get the baby sweater finished so I won't want to sit and work on that instead of working like I need to. All I have left are the sleeves. Have a good week-end!
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