Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Our time here at home is rapidly drawing to a close! We've been so busy, taking care of some business and seeing friends and family. We did some shopping and now it's time to repack and head to the next stop.

Bill has done extremely well while we've been home. He's eating better so his weight is up some and he's doing much better walking. His legs haven't given him any trouble at all. He even said last night he feels stronger.

He is being a little beligerent at times, just kind of pushing the limits. He had to get a new suit for his daughter's wedding Friday. We went to Jonesboro Sat. to pick one up. He waited until last night to try the pants on and said they didn't fit. Of course there is no time to take them back to exchange now, we're in Memphis all day today at the dentist and we leave early tomorrow morning. BUT, all he had to do was ask for some help in getting them on! He was also supposed to call the roofer yesterday but plans on doing that today while we're in Memphis. Of course he won't have his dentures in so he will be hard to understand on the phone, and, unless I write the phone number down, he won't have it with him since it's in my computer and I'm not taking it. Hmm, maybe 2 can play this game!

Tomorrow morning we head out to Oklahoma for the wedding and then back to Jacksonville.

We wish blessings for all in the new year. Take time to tell the ones who are important to you how you feel. So, since I'm giving advice this morning, I'd better take it myself. To all of you, family and friends, I love you all. Without you I don't know if I would have made it through this process. For the ones who held me while I cried, thanks for the shoulders, for the ones who made me laugh, thanks for cheering me up. For you who just listened, thanks for the ear. And to all of you, thanks for the prayers. God has been so good to us throughout this journey!

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