Wednesday, January 25, 2012

We received some sad news yesterday. A new friend of ours, and fellow VAD patient, passed away while we gone. I knew we hadn't seen Jim or his wife Diana since we had been back, but since they were close to going home and lived in the Daytona Beach area, thought they had gotten to leave. While another wife and I were visiting Monday during rehab, she mentioned that she hadn't seen them and was getting concerned. We then learned of his death at the Support Group meeting yesterday.

We know that he had some of the same complications that Bill had after surgery, complicated by kidney failure. He was listed for both heart and kidney transplants and was going through dialysis. The drs. had wanted him hospitalized and on IV meds prior to the time Bill had his implant, but Jim was too stubborn and wouldn't do it until he was too sick to stay outside the hospital.

The last few times we had seen them, he had been very depressed but wouldn't talk to anyone about it and had mentioned a few times that he didn't know why he let them do the surgery.
Anyway, we found out that he just decided that he wasn't going to do what they wanted him to do any more and he was going home.

I know they had a couple of kids with at least 2 grandkids and another due any day now. He and his wife are both Christians so he's in a better place and not suffering any more. It's still very sad for Diana and the rest of the family and I pray they find peace knowing that he has found peace.

Sorry this has been such a sad entry. I'll update this again this afternoon after Bill sees Dr. Yip. He started having a little issue last night so it's a good thing he was already scheduled to see the dr. today.

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