We woke up to the sound of rain dripping this morning, and we are really getting a soaking. It apparently had been raining for quite awhile, judging by the amount of standing water across the street. The forecast called for showers this afternoon, so it just shows they don't know everything! So far the rain has just been heavy at times, but nothing severe, not even any thunder or lightning. It will be a good day for reading or knitting, along with laundry!
We replaced the computers last Saturday and I've spent most of the week getting them going. I did Bill's first so that I would be able to concentrate on the others. I don't like Windows 8.1! It's very confusing since the start menu is now all tabs. It took me forever to find the shutdown button, which is on a little sidebar and only comes up when you move your mouse to the edge of the screen! I forget what the sidebar is called, it has some "cutesy" name.
I got a very nice surprise for Mother's Day. Bill took me out for breakfast and, in addition to Emily and Ryan telling me Happy Mother's Day, I got calls from 2 of Bill's kids! This was the first time in 25 years! I was really surprised! Now, if they will all just remember to call Bill for Father's Day!
We've gotten more back to normal now since the break-in. There has been nothing solved, but I didn't expect it to be. That's just the way our town works. I checked the police reports and since our break-in there have been 2 others on our block and 2 others down the street. One good thing that may come out of this is that all of the neighbors are on watch now. Some even stop people they don't know if they see something out of the ordinary. Of course that could be extremely dangerous.
Last Saturday night there were 5 police cars at the neighbor's house. I broke down and called the landlord Monday morning. For those of you who know me personally, you know I don't like confrontations of any kind and tend to just let things go. I didn't get very far. He did inform me that he was not going to evict them with no place for them to go and that we should just continue to call the police. I don't know who is calling the police, but it hasn't been us. Wednesday the women started talking to each outside again. The only problem was...they were a block apart! So they were just yelling back and forth. Other neighbors were outside and Joe, who lives on the other side of us was outside and witnessed it all. So, while he was running errands he stopped in and saw the landlord. He was basically told the same thing I was, and he told him (the landlord) the same thing I did...we have a quiet neighborhood and we'd like to keep it like that. But, at least there are 2 complaints on file with him now.
Bill's on a special diet for a few days. We have to collect stool smears and mail them back to Mayo and he has to be on a special diet 3 days prior. It's not anything drastic, just no red meat, a few fruits and veggies are not allowed, and only moderate intake of other raw fruits and veggies. So, we're eating a lot of chicken. He can also have fish, but since I don't like fish, I don't cook it. But, if we go out I'll suggest he have it.
That's about it for this week. Hopefully since we're getting back to normal, we'll both be able to settle some and relax. We've both been hypervigilant now and since we have done what can be done to make it safer her, with the exception of turning it into an armed fortress complete with video cameras, we're going to live our lives again.
All for this week. The rain has let up for the time being and I'm sure the washer has finished, so I'd better get off here and get busy. Have a nice week-end!
I'm not sure I would ever be comfortable again!
ReplyDeleteMy sister was burglarized on two occasions and the third break-in was kids, who ended up burning the house down.
I'm almost sure this was kids, especially since they took poptarts. I'm just glad they didn't destroy what they left. But, I get a little twinge of fear when we do leave, especially if we leave together. But, I refuse to let them win and make us afraid to leave home.