Saturday, June 9, 2018

This has been a rather quiet week after our trip to Illinois. There was no drama at Gene's service and the church was full. Mostly it was family, he had a big family, and some childhood friends. Everyone behaved themselves which we hoped would happen. Now that it's over and everyone is back home, it could be gloves off for some. There have been accusations of theft already, and the accuser's wife could be the thief, but, I'm staying in my own house and not getting involved.

My long to-do list got way-laid Friday when home health showed up to evaluate Bill for physical therapy. First there was our friend Ricky, the nurse, who had to go back over all his meds and everything from before. Then came Kevin the therapist. He was pleased at Bill's strength in his hands and arms, so they are working more on conditioning and stamina. He's had two sessions now with Tammy. He hasn't felt well since we've been home, air quality has been bad, so he didn't do his exercises in between days. Hopefully I can get him to do them this week-end.

Bill has reverted back to waiting on me to do everything for him. I know he's tired from the trip and we've had a code orange air quality alert all week so he has just stayed in. But, he's again not moving off the couch unless it's to use the bathroom, he's not reading, he's just back to watching really stupid shows on TV that I can't stand. But, then he wants me to sit with him and not do anything that needs to be done! He'll tell me I'm working too hard.

My repeat eye appointment was yesterday and they did 3 different tests. They mapped my eyes, check peripheral vision and then did another test with me hooked to electrodes to see how my optic nerve transmitted info to my brain. The hemorages (sp) he saw are gone. I told him that it was all his fault I had to see the cardiologist and have the new meds, but he was just glad he caught it.

My pressures have been in the normal range, even through all the stress of the week-end. I did notice some swelling in my leg but I think that was more due to driving and then having my legs dangle too long. By morning it was back to normal so I'm just keeping an eye on it. The dr. had said that swelling was a side-effect of the new med and since it's a high dose to watch it. I need to call and see if she wants me to cut it in half or just continue monitoring.

The surprise Father's Day party is going to happen. I've heard from all the kids except Joe. I still don't know when/if John is coming. He says he is but he doesn't know when or how many yet so he's on his own as far as hotel goes. They will start arriving Thursday night, others on Friday, some on Saturday (will probably miss the party) and then they start leaving on Sunday, with 1 staying until Monday or Tuesday (I can't remember which). This will be a hard one for Emily and Ryan so it may be good that they are going to be here.

I woke up in a rather bad mood this morning, so I'm going to read my stress-relief book (that doesn't seem to be helping too much so far) and see if I can work myself out of it. Maybe it's just anticipating this week-end and all the things still to be done. But, I can already tell that it's not going to take much to really set me off today.

So, that's where we are. Don't look for a post next week until late Sunday night or Monday morning and I'll let you know how things have gone. Wish me luck on getting through the week-end. It's been 25 years since they've all been together with their dad and who knows what will happen...or how Bill will hold up!

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