Early post this week since we are leaving tomorrow for Florida.
Bill has had a nasty cold all week. It was apparently starting on Sunday because he didn't want to go to church Sunday night. He woke up with a constantly streaming nose Monday and was sneezing. I called Mayo Tuesday morning when he wasn't any better and talked to Kim about rescheduling his biopsy and she thought it would be better to keep the appointment. So, I started pumping him full of cold medicine. He can't take very much, only Tylenol cold/sinus/flu. He finally said he felt a little better yesterday afternoon. He also started with a little diarrhea yesterday morning, so I was afraid he was also getting the stomach bug going around, but I think now it was from the medicine. He slept better last night, so hopefully he has turned the corner. With his immune system compromised, he's more susceptible to everything.
We didn't make it until midnight for the new year. We didn't even make it until 11 to watch the ball drop in New York! The gunfire started a little after 7 and was pretty sporadic until 11 but then...oh my goodness! It sounded like a war zone and it sounded like it was in my front yard! Don't these people understand that the bullets have to come down somewhere even though they are firing in the air?
I thought I was trying to catch Bill's cold Wednesday. I started feeling bad with a sinus headache and sneezing. So, I started taking the medicine I take for colds and felt much better yesterday. I woke up at 5 raring to go. Bill had to get up at 7 for medicine and by 8 we had eaten bacon and eggs and I had laundry going. The laundry was finished by noon, completely folded/hung and put away.
I did watch it snow before the sun came up. Didn't get much but it was really coming down. It's cold this morning, only 22 and supposed to be much colder while we are gone. We're going to see if Ron with check the pipes while we are gone. All we need is to come home to water everywhere!
I read an extended weather forecast and Wednesday, the day we are supposed to arrive home, we could get freezing rain/sleet/snow. So, we may end up staying somewhere on the road. I'm hoping we can make it home, or stay closer than where we are staying Tuesday night. We could possible extend the stay there, but there are only 2 restaurants (at least that Bill would like since he's not fond of Mexican). And, that would mean that the weather that we get at home Wednesday would be in that area on Thursday. If we could make it almost home before having to stop, I wouldn't mind. But, the forecast also said that it was too far out to be sure.
So, there's this week's update. The plan now is to leave in the morning (Saturday), arrive in Jacksonville Sunday afternoon, have the biopsy Monday morning, start heading home Tuesday morning and get home Wednesday afternoon. Of course this is always subject to change depending on results and weather. I'll update again on Monday after the biopsy since we're just going to sit around the hotel and rest. We're not even planning on seeing our friends while we are there.
Hope everyone has a good week!
Have a safe trip!