Monday, October 30, 2017

I'm pretty tired tonight and confused, and a little apprehensive. Bill seems to feel better, but he is still congested and has a hard time going from laying down to sitting up without coughing. He also is still getting very short of breath on any exertion. It could be that he's been inactive for a few days now, and with the congestion it is harder to move.

The internal medicine dr. said that his white count has finally started to come down, so the meds are finally getting on top of the infection. It's still not clear what has caused the infection and I don't know if we ever will. He was going to have physical therapy start walking him to see if that helped to move the congestion around to get it out. He also said that his sugar is high but that could be because they were pumping him full of steroids. They have started him on some insulin in the interim.

They did an echo today, which didn't really surprise me, if  for no other reason to rule out any problems with the heart. The lung drs. are changing his inhalers again. We found out that we were told wrong on the new inhaler. She told us to stop the Advair and use the new one with the Turdoza when in fact it should have been the other way around. So, he was in effect overdosing on that med and not getting the steroid from the Advair. So they are going to fix that.

As soon as I left today they moved Bill to the transplant unit, but no-one knows why. They told him that they didn't have any tests results back that would warrant the move. Of course he doesn't process things very well so I don't know. He just called me while I was on my way home and told me the new room number. Bryan had stopped in just after they moved him and he didn't know anything either.

I called Bill to get the name of his nurse and to have her call me to tell me why he was moved. I would like to know if I need to go back to the hospital tonight. But, so far I haven't heard anything and I'm getting to the point that I'm too tired to drive the 1 1/2 hours to get there. I don't think this should be done ( and it was done before at this hospital ) without notifying the family. Bill said he told them they should have done it sooner before I left. They also didn't let food services know so they had to scrounge him up supper since his dinner went to the old room. 

You know, I hadn't realized until that I was hoping I would never have to do these daily posts again. Sometimes they did make me feel better and it did let me remember things. But tonight, this post is just making me sad.

With that being said, I'm going to the hospital website to see if I can find a phone number for the unit or some number that will get me there. When I know more, you'll know more.

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