Thursday, February 15, 2018

It's official, sickness has come to our house. I woke up yesterday with nausea and diarrhea. Before long my head was pounding and my sinuses were full. I started on the normal OTC meds and slept most of the day, but nothing was helping much. I wasn't running fever, although I think that our thermometer needs replaced because it was extremely low, 94.2. The highest it got was 96.5. I told Bill if I didn't feel any better today I would go to the Dr.

This morning, after sleeping on the couch, I felt even worse and started a dry cough with body aches, although that's probably from sleeping on the couch. Emily came and picked me up and snuck me in the backdoor of the clinic. The lab techs were waiting on me and did labs and a flu test. As I was in the work-up room the practitioner came in and said she thought that it was probably flu, which was my fear.

But, the flu test was negative and since my white count is elevated there's an infection somewhere. She doesn't know if it is gastric or sinus. Everything coming out of my nose is clear, but I coughed up some nasty yellow gunk, yet I'm moving air well in my lungs and not wheezing. So, 2 different antibiotics and some cough medicine if I need it and if I'm not way better by Monday she wants to see me again.

I haven't been able to eat anything without it going straight through, but I came home and had a popsicle and felt much better...for about 15 minutes. But then I slept for 2 hours. I've had another popsicle and some crackers now and feel like they will stay down. In I'm not sure of. I've taken so much Imodium and pepto bismol that under normal circumstances I wouldn't be going to the bathroom for a week!

We're making sure that Bill doesn't get this. I've stayed away as much as possible. He's done well on his own. He's fixed his own breakfast the last 2 mornings and yesterday he fixed a "mock" grilled cheese sandwich for lunch (2 pieces of toast with cheese stuffed between them and then put in the microwave). Emily brought him some chicken strips when she brought me some more ginger ale and she's bringing him spaghetti tonight. I may try scrambled eggs if the crackers settle.

So, keep us in your thoughts. I'll let you know Saturday how things have gone the next few days.

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