Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Just a short update. Bill is somewhat better but I think he needs a stronger antibiotic. I'm not taking him to the dr. today since she will probably be swamped for her 1st day back, but probably tomorrow or Thursday. 

He's still coughing, although he did better in the respect until yesterday. And when I asked him if it was still coming from up high, he said no it was from his lungs. But, all of his vitals that I can check are good, he's not having any trouble using his inhalers (one of them "pops" when the dose has been delivered and you have to inhale good to get it to pop). 

His sugar has been high, but part of that is the increase in steroids. Another part is what he's eating. So, he's had to have extra insulin. Good thing they sent so much!

He did a lot of coughing in the night and early morning (up until 2) and it is very wet sounding. But it isn't causing him distress when he does it. He went right back to sleep and didn't stir when I had to turn my bedside lamp on when Cat started throwing up in the bedroom. Finally got that hairball out! But, I was cleaning up at 3. Then they both were ready for me to get up before 4:30! They did wait a little longer since I couldn't even focus on the time on my phone.

We talked it over yesterday and, if he needs to be hospitalized, he will sign a waiver allowing him to eat and not use the feeding tube. He's gained 20 pounds since his discharge, and I have a feeling, especially since they didn't tell me how much food to push through his tube for meals, he would be dead by now because he would have just wasted away. I'm also going to request that Dr. Edwards not treat him at all. Of course I still have to work with the nurse practitioners. I wonder if I can also request that Kristy and Chandra not be involved in his care. I'll have to think about that.

Today is our 29th anniversary, the one that apparently wasn't supposed to be if Dr. Edwards had his way. Don't have any plans since I have to take Mouse to the vet. He's got a problem with his back leg and since he only has one I want to have it looked at. He's doing better today, running instead of taking 2 steps and laying down and he did make it up on the bed last night. But I still want to get it checked out. It could be that he's just getting too fat (and he's not fat fat, but he's a big ole tomcat) and it is having trouble supporting the weight. Or he could have hurt it jumping off something since he thuds to the ground. Usually he hits the stub of the other hip. I've looked at his paw and it doesn't look like he's injured it, but his paw seems to be turning to the side. And he kind of slides along before he can get the leg under him. So, as soon as Bill is fed and medicated off we will go. I'll probably have to leave him since they will sedate him to xray him but hopefully I can pick hm up this afternoon and get an answer.

All for this mid-week update. I'll let you know what the dr. says! See you again in a few days!

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