Final update for today. Dr. Muir the hematologist came in and said that Bill's hematocrit was barely under the limit for giving blood, so he ordered a unit. That explains his comment about his numbers are acceptable. He said the cut-off for giving blood is 24 (it was 25 in ICU) and his was 23.8. So, just barely under, but under nonetheless. He thought that treating the anemia would make a difference.
I never did get any results on the EKG or the lab tests. I'll ask Stephanie in the morning.
Bill did perk up some this afternoon and we talked a little. He wanted to know how long he had been in the hospital and couldn't believe it was 3 months. He wanted then to know how long he would be there and all I could tell him was we didn't know.
He was trying to nap again when I left but I could tell he wasn't really resting and although his numbers were staying in the acceptable range, I don't think it would take much to send them higher. I told Laura to use her judgment as to giving him more Xanax. We decided that unless he needed it sooner, she would give him some when she gave the last meds for her shift. He would then get his Seroquel at 9, so maybe he would sleep and rest through the night. At this point, I don't care if he sleeps most of the day again tomorrow.
I had a post show up on Facebook about a condition (and like an idiot I can't remember the name of it or find the post again) where your heart just starts beating too fast. And one of the treatments that is non-invasive, is Xanax! An episode usually lasts a few hours to a few days (Bill's episodes of this rapid heart beat and respiration usually last about 24 hours). So, I'm going to be doing some research on this and see if I can find the article again. Wish me luck! All I can remember is that it came from the Mayo Connect Group that I'm a member of, but I didn't find it there. So, I'll keep looking.
I'm still in no mood to talk to people. I have been texting some, but I just need to be quiet and still. I love all of you and know that you only want to help. Giving me space is the best way you can do that. I'll let you know when I'm ready.
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