I wish this post could be better but it's not to be. Even though Bill slept most of the day he didn't rest and his numbers stayed in the upper 30s to 40s for respiration. The respiratory tech finally called Stephanie when I was getting ready to leave and he was pt back on the vent in the SIMV mode, not the full vent just the assist mode.
I felt bad leaving and when I got home I called to check on him and his rate was even higher. So I changed clothes, fed the cats and made arrangements for them tomorrow and came back to the hospital.
He's really out now and pretty drugged up but his numbers are better. He did interact with the nurse and he finally acknowledged that I was here but that's about it.
They ended up putting a midline in for his IV. Janet from Infectious disease said that the Pseudomonas is growing again so Dr. Threlkeld may want to start back with the first antibiotic. I don't think they've hung anything yet but in the 3 hours I was gone they could have.
The respiratory tech we have tonight is one that has had him in the day so I know he's in good hands.
Dr Edwards came in and said that he's just gone sideways, not forward or backward and we may need to start taking about where we want to go from here. Bill is a fighter as we all know and I don't think he's ready to give up but I don't know if he's willing to live on a vent and/or a nursing home. He and I will need to start considering options now.
This is all very depressing so I hope things will look up in the morning. So lots of prayers for both of us please. As I told his oldest daughter this is one time I don't know what to do.
Ok, I'm going to try to get some sleep. He's had his meds, his shaky bed, his vitals so maybe they'll leave us alone for most of the night. Goodnight!
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