I'm glad that this week is almost over, and can soon be put behind us!
I have not been able to get my tooth pulled, but the antibiotics and Aleve are working and I'm pain free. I was supposed to get it pulled yesterday, but Bill was still having his stomach problem and I spent quite a while on the phone with our coordinator to try to find the cause. They finally gave him a laxative similar to what you take for a colonoscopy. He finally is getting empty and seems to be feeling a little better.
He did not go to rehab today since he wanted to stay closer to the bathroom. I told them that I discussed his weight loss with Stephanie and she said just to monitor it. But, it's doing no good to stay close to the bathroom because the water is off while the irrigation for the landscaping is being worked on! They usually let people know that the water is going to be off but this time they didn't. And of course, I was doing laundry when they shut it off!
As I said, I'll be glad when this week is over!
Oh Beth, you can seem to win for losing...NOthing is worse than a toothache. Hope you will be able to get your tooth fixed SOON!! Also hope Bill gets to feeling better. Talk to you later, or better yet you can e-mail, message, or whatever. Love ya Phillis