It was a very full morning, but we are finally back at the hotel. Dr. Leoni was pretty happy with the way things were going. He said he didn't see anything alarming in the scan or the echo and his x-ray looked almost the same as the one they did in November. He also didn't hear much in his lungs so he doesn't think he will need to stay on the oxygen for an extended time. He doesn't have asthma or COPD. He does want the CT scan of his chest repeated in 3 months and they may schedule it for May when he has his annual check. He also doesn't think he needs to come back at the end of the month to see the pulmonologist, but he would like for him to see one at home, whether it is Memphis or Jonesboro.
We are both pretty relieved and the appointments were the few parts of this trip that nothing went wrong, even though Dr. Leoni was running late. He is also covering the hospital today and there was a transplant overnight.
It was raining when we left Saturday morning and rained off and on all day. We didn't have the heavy rain we thought we would. When we got to our hotel for the night, the oxygen concentrator fell over and broke the one part that our technician told us not to break! It's the end of the hose that fills his portable tanks. As we were unloading the car yesterday I discovered that I had left the bag with Bill's blood pressure cuff and other medical items in the hotel room. So, had to call them and tell them to hold it since we were coming back through Tuesday. Then, I tried yesterday afternoon to see if our company works with a local company and didn't get anywhere.
The food I have eaten the last 2 days hasn't agreed with me. I don't know if it's just from stress or what, but I have been miserable both nights. I desperately wanted a Coke to settle my stomach last night and the machine wouldn't take coins or paper money or read by debit card! Hopefully tonight will be better. When we left this morning I realized I had left the room keycard on the desk...just as the door latched!
I found a medical supply place that can replace the part and I gave her the information she needed to get a copy of the prescription. The last I spoke with her she was waiting on it to be faxed. And, just a few minutes ago, the company called from home to see just where we were to get a replacement for it! I told her that I was already working on it and she said she would call them and get a fax # and do it RIGHT NOW! So, I'm just waiting on the call back and I'm ready to program the address into my navigation system.
Hopefully the trip home the trip home will be uneventful with nothing breaking and I'll remember to pick up the medical bag.
Thanks for all of the good thoughts and prayers...they worked! I'll let you know when we get home!
Glad to hear it went well... except for that pesky part!
ReplyDeleteAnd now all is good, both tanks filled and ready to go!