It's been a long day, with 3 hours spent driving. Left the house at 9 this morning and got home at 2:45.
We really liked this dr. She was very "common". By that I mean she spoke our language and didn't have the "I'm the dr" attitude. She is wheelchair bound so that put her on our level and the entire appointment was more like just a friendly visit with a few medical things thrown in.
Bill does have COPD and emphysema. She said that is clearly shown on his chest x-ray. The PFT (pulmonary function test) showed that he takes air in well but he has trouble expelling it. His walking O2 sat was 92/93 without oxygen and she was pleased with that so he can do away with the daytime oxygen if he wants. She thinks he may have trouble at night so she's ordered a home test to check this. But, I told him if he has to wear it at night it won't bother him since he'll be sleeping! She did give him 3 different inhalers to use to help with this. It will just be getting him to use them!
As far as the nodule goes, she wasn't overly concerned with it. She says sometimes the lungs fold and she suspects this is what has happened. Why it happens she didn't say. But, she's doing the follow-up CT scan and a PET scan in April to see if the size has changed. She also said the PET will show if it is actually a cancerous tumor. We will have to overnight in Memphis instead of driving back and forth because the scan will be done and then we will see the dr. the next day after it has been read.
So, that's it. I'm relieved somewhat. Of course we can call her if something else happens before April, but I don't think that will happen. But, I didn't think this would all happen either, so who knows!
He's been complaining about his right arm hurting the last few days, so he's going to see our regular dr. tomorrow. He says it's just a dull ache in his upper arm and shoulder so it could just be the way he's been sleeping. But, since it's going on 4 days now we're getting it checked out.
I'll do my regular update Saturday and let you know what we find out tomorrow. For now I'm taking some Tylenol for a headache. I still have a few phone calls to make to ones who need to hear these results. Thanks for all the good thoughts and prayers!
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