Tuesday, October 29, 2019

I came home early today. I think everything has caught up with me, and the weather has been so bad, I just feel awful. Bill told me to come home and not to come tomorrow if I didn't feel better. I have a feeling I will be staying home. It's supposed to be cold and rainy again for the next 2 days with falling temperatures. I've got meds on board and will keep taking them. Hopefully it's just a cold.

Bill did some leg exercises with physical therapy this morning and then walked into the hallway. It was probably 20 feet each way and he did it twice. I'm just basing that on his oxygen tubing. He has 25 feet and the therapist had probably 5 feet in his hands. His oxygen dropped into the low to mid 80s, which would be normal for many people, and he recovered nicely so that's an improvement. But, he was doing some heavy breathing while he was just sitting doing nothing. They say he still sounds better than he has before so he is improving.

He's been on 5 liters of oxygen since Sunday and today his nurse lowered it to 4 1/2. At home he fluctuates between 3 and 4 so they're trying to get it down to home level before discharging him. They have only mentioned discharge, but it's always in a few days. They know what I've told them.

The main thing I don't like about not being there is that I can't talk to the doctors, and Bill won't remember what they tell him. I don't know if the nurses would tell me if I call the desk or if I would just get the standard "he's doing fine". 

So, that's it for the short day. I'm glad he walked without getting so winded that he had to sit before coming back. He just did the turn around and walked back to his chair before sitting. He was going to see if Richie, his nurse, would walk with him some this afternoon. I haven't talked to him since I've been home. I figured now I would wait until after he's eaten and before I go to bed.

If there's no update tomorrow, don't worry. I'll catch it all up when I get back to the hospital. 

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