Thursday, October 10, 2019

Just when I say there may not be daily posts because not much is happening, something happens! This post will probably not be long, but there is news.

Bill was moved back to step-down yesterday morning about 15 minutes before I got there. Caleb met me as I entered the unit and told me. He also said that Bill was chowing down on breakfast when he got him settled.

So back down the hall I go. One of the good things about the move is that it's a shorter walk for me, I don't have to walk the "hallway to hell". As Tina told me the other day, it's like the hallway in a horror movie that just keeps getting longer and longer".

He was still having breakfast when I walked in and, his nurse is one of my favorites. When she came in the room she looked at Bill and then just said "I have to give this lady a hug". I had gotten lots of hugs from her last year when he was in ICU. She could always just tell when I needed one, or needed to cry.

I ran into Dr. Threlkeld in the parking lot and he said he thought that Tuesday was a big turning point day for Bill. He's only on 2 IV antibiotics, Cefepime and Doxycycline, and he said they may be able to transition him to pills before long. He's very encouraged but is still cautious.

Stephanie from the lung doctors, the one who actually admitted him, came in and listened to him and said she still hears some crackles but not as bad as they were. Said he's not ready for discharge yet, but getting there.

We talked to the nutritionist and she was amazed at how good he looked. She asked about the feeding tube and I said we were keeping it just in case he ever needed supplemental feeding and she agreed. She did say that instead of drinking juice to eat a piece of the fruit instead. That would also give him the fiber.

He still is getting very short of breath when he moves, and that may be something we just have to adapt to. Therapy did not come in yesterday so he was in bed all day except for when Horace helped him to the bathroom.

I left a little early yesterday, and it was actually a better time as far as traffic went. And this morning all of the weather changes have gotten to me. I'm stuffy and snotty and headachy. Have a little heavy feeling in my chest, but an inhaler hit will take care of that. Once I get to the hospital I'll take some allergy medicine.

So, longer than I thought it would be. The same still goes that there may not be a post every day so just keep checking.

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