Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Another day of ups and downs. It started well, we both slept well and rested. I fixed Bill an omelet for breakfast and took it to him and he ate every bit of it and some mandarin oranges. Dr. Yip came in and said that he was scheduling our supervised outing for Friday as long as Bill could walk without assistance today and tomorrow. Then, if that outing went well we could take 2 more outings over the week-end alone and then be discharged Monday.

But, when Bill got up to walk, he got dizzy again and said he was seeing double. Our nurse consulted with the doctor and they decided to pump him full of fluids for an hour. He thought they might have dried him out too much from the fluid pills. So, he drank 2 1/2 4 oz. ginger ales and a glass of water in a little over an hour but was still dizzy. All that liquid did was make him sick and he ended up throwing up his lunch!

When Physical Therapy came in we asked if he could go to the exercise room to see if using the nu-step machine would at least strengthen his legs some. She took him down in a wheelchair and he did great in there. This machine has a seat on it and pedals that push back and forth. She didn't put him on the easiest level but the 2nd of 5 to give him some resistance and he did great. He used it for 6 minutes without stopping or getting winded. He also didn't get dizzy moving from chair to chair.

But, when he moved from his recliner to the bed for his dressing change, he was dizzy again. They are now checking everything from meds to inner ear problems. He also didn't want anything to eat tonight, but his tech said they had snacks on the floor if he got hungry.

He's getting a little discouraged with all of the new negative changes. He's also getting a small bedsore on his behind. They have had a pad on it, but it's not been placed in the right place. He's also got a bruise and very sore spot on his right heel. I think that is just from pressure of laying on it, but he was going to have the nurse look at it tonight.

So, don't know now if we will get to have our outing on Friday or not. We'll just have to see how tomorrow goes. On a brighter note, he had visits today from Eileen, the support group coordinator, JR who has a VAD, and Mark who had a transplant on June 27. Mark told us that Tom, who we had met through the group, was transplanted last night and Ralph was to be transplanted tonight. And, in case any of you are wondering, neither of them has the same blood type as Bill.

All for tonight. Now that I'm home I'm totally exhausted so I'm turning in before long. G'night.

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