Another up and down day and this one was mostly down. We neither one slept well last night. I know I slept, but I must not have rested since I was still tired when I got up. Bill also felt the same way and stay tired all day.
Dr. Yip turned off the oxygen this morning to see how he would do, and he stayed in acceptable ranges all day. But, he was weak today and got dizzy every time he stood. He was only able to walk once since he got dizzy every other time he tried.
It was determined that his fluid levels were too low now (they've been trying to get them down by giving him a couple of different diuretics. So this afternoon he was give some albumen to try to raise them a little. His pump numbers also came up some so it did help.
Dr. Yip is also concerned about his nutrition and has said that I can bring in food now as long as I follow a healthy heart diet and it's not saturated with sodium. So for breakfast I'm taking him an omelet made with egg beaters. Hopefully that will help. Our nurse also told me that Panera Bread offers low sodium soups and heart healthy soups and their menus show the nutrition information on the menu. I have a menu here at the condo from previous tenants so I'm going to look at it tonight. He did eat his dinner tonight and seemed to enjoy it although he said he didn't that he was just eating it because he knew he had to eat.
So, hopefully tomorrow, with some food he likes and the extra oomph from the albumen, he'll feel better and can get back on track.
I would imagine his taste buds have been affected. Being in the hosiptal does not stimulate the taste buds. Tell to hang in there it will get better..later P