Monday, October 3, 2011

Today was just a so-so day. Bill was tired all day and became very demanding in the afternoon instead of trying to do things on his own. He walked well for 2 walks this morning but the third one he was a little "wobbly" with his leg.

He's down to .5 liters of O2 still but sometimes has to be bumped up to 1 or 1 1/2. Dr. Yip saw how crazy his numbers were. The monitor showed his saturation was only 70% and he said "I know that's not right". But, the monitor is what they mainly go by. A tech from respiratory came by today and used her hand-held monitor and it was 96%.

We're still having to force him to eat anything. I finally told him tonight that if he did not start eating more they would have to put a feeding tube in. He's blaming it all on his dentures, but I think he's gotten to the point that he's blaming them because it's convenient. His night nurse suggested that we mechanicalize his meals. These are meals where the meat is ground and things are processed a little more to make them easier to chew. Mary-Rose had mentioned this to me before and the only reason I hadn't mentioned it to him is I didn't think he would eat it because it is not going to look very appetizing. But, he called me after I got home tonight and said he had eaten all of his supper and he wanted to try the other way. So, I think we'll try it at lunch tomorrow. Since he knows what it will look like maybe he'll be more agreeable to it.

We've gotten some suggestions on where to go for our lunch outing. We really need to start working on that so that when they say it's time we know where to tell the driver to go. Yes, they are sending a car service for us that day!

All for now. As I've said before, some of these days there's not going to be much news. I'll let you know tomorrow if the mechanicalized food worked.

1 comment:

  1. I have been thinking about his dentures. He has lost weight and his gums have shrunk since he had his teeth pulled. They may be just really loose. Try using fixodent or polident..but you know he may need a realignment. He had lost quite a bit of weight and that affects the gums. Just a thought.. Heaven help him if he had sore spots, also had he been cleaning them regularly? Hope these ideas help. Talk to you later. Luv ya P
