Saturday, November 10, 2018

My morning has not gotten off to a good start! The cats did let me sleep a little longer. I think they were cold so they stayed in their nice comfy blankets, and so did we. When I walked into the kitchen I saw something dark draped across the floor and wondered what the cats had dragged out. Turning on the light I, an entire pot of coffee. I had not put the carafe in the pot when I set it last night. I only do that once every 2-3 years, so maybe this is it for a while. So, sopped up coffee, cleaned out the pot from the grounds, fed the cats, put the towels in the wash and started a new pot of coffee. When I walked back into the kitchen to get a cup, there was more coffee on the floor! Gives me the idea that the house isn't level anymore! Hopefully this will be the main glitch in the day!

Bill has done really well this week. Ricky, the home health nurse, has been here twice and was supposed to come yesterday, but maybe he will come today. They have a new program with their cardiac patients who have been hospitalized that the week of discharge they need to seem them more frequently. But, all of Bill's vitals, blood pressure, temp and such have been good. Surprisingly, his O2 sats have been fantastic. Even while he was talking the other day he was staying at 97-98! Usually he's in the low 90s. 

I've also noticed that he's not getting as winded walking to/from the bathroom/bedroom. I checked him after a bathroom trip and he was at 98 with a heart rate at 85. He may have been lower initially, but it shows that he is recovering faster. One of the pulmonologists told me that they are concerned about how low the sats drop, but how fast recovery is.

He's still not moving much, and Medicare will not pay for anymore home physical therapy. But, we know the basic exercises, it's just a matter of getting him to do them. His appetite is good and he's putting on some weight. He was down to 142 at discharge from the hospital (lost 10 pounds while in) and he was at 145 yesterday. Usually I let him eat some empty calorie foods to help him gain, but we are now having trouble keeping his sugar regulated.

His glucose has been decent in the mornings, but sky high at night. I did bump his Lantus (insulin) up one night, but don't want to do that too often. So, yesterday I got him some sugar-free snacks and took away his jar of kisses. He was making quite a dent in them!

Amy came and drew labs yesterday and then I talked to Connie about his sugar. All of his other numbers were good. His white count has gone back up, but because he is feeling good and home health is monitoring and says he sounds better, she is attributing it to the steroids, which is also causing the problem with the sugar. So, I am to monitor him more often today, without giving any extra Lantus, since we just started the sugar free snacks, and let Connie know if it gets above 300. She said she may put him on a sliding scale to supplement the Lantus like he was in the hospital. He won't like that, but he's beginning to understand that these night numbers can be life threatening. So, we'll see what happens today.

It's cold this morning, only 28 with a windchill of 19. This is our first real freeze of the winter. It's been hinted at that we could get a mix of rain/snow on Monday. So, I'll get everything done outside the house over the week-end and we can hunker down with a big pot of soup or something. I'm glad we got the furnace fixed, but I wish I had gotten the chimney sweep called!

I've been in a funk now for a few days, I have hurt all over my body and just don't want to do anything. Well, I want to do, but I just sit and not do. I think the hurting is that I did a lot right after we got home, laundry, rearranged a few things in the bedroom to accommodate the bedside commode better, and vacuumed all the rugs. But I think the rest is just let down from the last 2 weeks of go, go, go. Maybe today will be different!

Have a good upcoming week! I can't believe it's almost Thanksgiving! See you next Saturday!

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