Wednesday, December 4, 2019

I was going to wait until I got to the hospital to post anything, but decided to at least do a short post now anyway.

Bill was moved to the transplant ICU yesterday afternoon. The CT showed worsening pneumonia, depending on who you talk to. But, his blood pressure dropped to a dangerously low level along with his oxygen sats. So, the decision was made that he needed the more intense care and supervision of the unit. In the meantime, they gave him some albumin to raise his pressure and it worked beautifully, and once he was moved, his sats started coming up, but on a very high flow of oxygen. Krystal from respiratory said that they would slowly wean him down through the night. At one point, and it's still a possibility, they were talking intubation if necessary, and we were both OK with that. Once I explained to Bill that it would let him breathe easier and not work so hard  to breathe, he understood what it meant. Every other time he's been intubated, he's already in such a crisis that they just sedate him and do it.

He actually felt well enough before I left to ask when dinner would come! Hopefully he did eat something, but I told his nurse that as long as he drank his Glucerna, that would be OK for last night.

So, that's the major information from yesterday. I took the laptop yesterday and as long as I turned my phone into a hotspot, the internet worked. So, I'm going to do that again today. Mouse is now trying to help me type since I'm not in my usual place this morning. I've thrown him off his routine too!

More later, from Transplant CVICU Room 2936 later today!

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