I'm trying to do this on my tablet in real time. Well, almost real time since it's after 2 already. It has not been a good day. Bill had a bad night with a little trauma thrown in. According to his day nurse Lizzy, his night nurse Harding can be a little over zealous in his care. Bill said he was bothered all night. I know last year he had a male nurse who would come in and flip all the lights on even after he was told to only work by the ambient light in the room without speaking so that I could sleep. So that may be one thing.
They said that he had a problem with a mucous plug and after some questioning I think that he coughed up a big glob of stuff. He refuses to use his suction and when he swallowed it, it went back into his airway and lodged. Andrea from respiratory told me the night tech had to manually pound on his chest to get it to dislodge. And at some point after his first breathing treatment of the day when he was at 8 liters of oxygen his sats dropped and wouldn't come back up. When I got here he was back to 15 liters and was only in the upper 70s/ low 80s. He refused breakfast and just wanted to sleep. So we kept the room dark and quiet and he finally calmed down and slept.
Lizzy ordered a chest xray and it looked worse than the previous one. Cindy didn't say anything about discharge when she came in and Dr. Bart ordered the bed percussion restarted along with the shaky vest. She said he didn't sound as bad as yesterday though.
Bill kept saying that he just wanted to go home and I told him if that had happened at home I would have watched him choke to death. It still didn't make him want to use his suction.
After his next breathing treatment Andrea was able to turn his oxygen down to 10 and his numbers have stayed stable this afternoon.
When his blood sugar was checked before lunch it was only 57 so he immediately got some apple and orange juice and peanut butter crackers. Lizzy was going to give him a shot of glucose if that didn't work but it brought it up to 75 so she just held his insulin.
We told him he had to eat lunch and he tried to say no but I told him it was his favorite baked chicken. I told him to eat the chicken and the mac and cheese and then left to get my lunch. Eunice, the pca, could see him from her station and we could tell he was eating. When I got back he had eaten all the chicken and mac and cheese and his pudding. He also drank a cup of coffee.
He's had a bath and another little snooze and his numbers have been great. So maybe he's finally recovered from everything. But these days are hard on me! I'm exhausted! And it's a gray rainy day which doesn't help.
So there you have it, the update for today. And it was much easier to do on my tablet than I thought it would be!
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