Monday, September 26, 2011

Bill did not have a good night last night. His cramps continued through the night along with the nausea. He was sleeping when I came in this morning and felt horribly all morning. The dr. finally ordered some anti-nausea meds and whatever it was worked almost immediately. He finally had some breakfast and was willing to cooperate with the nurses!

The nutritionist came in today and gave him some extra choices to eat that wouldn't interfere with his fluid restriction that may help with his calorie intake.

He walked twice with the nurse and is supposed to walk at least 1 more time tonight. He talked Dr. Hosenpud into removing the catheter and he has about 1 1/2 hours to go before they have to re-insert it.

He's had a pretty good afternoon since he's felt a little better. His O2 had to be bumped up during the night but has been cut back down through the day. They are going to switch him to the mask tonight to see if that helps.

The echo is scheduled for tomorrow and they are also going to do a "bubble" test. We're not sure what that test is for.

So, all for tonight. I'm going home in a little bit. I'm going to stay and walk with him. Maybe it will quit raining by the time I leave. But we're getting quite a lightning show!

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