Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Today has been a momentous day! Two of the 5 chest tubes have been taken out along with his catheter. The IVs have all been stopped. Of course he still has the lines in place if they need to restart something but he's a little freer now.

He walked down the hall today for the first time and was out of oxygen when he got back, not that he was out of oxygen, the tank was empty and he was on room air. His O2 level remained really good and they were surprised. He was also given some hand exercises to do.

The best part of the day so far is (drum roll)...he's been moved to the step-down floor. I don't know if he is going to like it for the first few days. His board, which lists his nurses and aides also has special instructions. These instructions include his diet and the number of times he has to walk a day. He has to walk 6 times a day. For someone who just walked today for the first time in a week, this is going to be grueling! But, he'll do fine after a couple of days.

I've been changing his power supply for the last couple of days and today I'm going to do the dressing change. I must admit I'm a little scared of doing it. I know I'll be fine after the first time. It's just getting this first one out of the way.

More tonight after I get home.

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