Friday, September 23, 2011

Well, I thought the post for the day had been made, but I was wrong. Just as Bill's supper was brought in he said he was cold. I was getting him a blanket and he started gagging. All it was was mucus that he had been coughing up. Needless to say he did not want his dinner.

We got him back into bed and he said he wasn't nauseous anymore but he was freezing. When I left he was under 2 blankets (1 of which came out of the warmer) and had the heat in the room at about 75.

The nurses weren't really concerned but it happened right at shift change. But his nurse was aware of the situation. He wasn't running any fever even though he was so chilled.

He really didn't want me to leave tonight but I know it's mainly because he was feeling bad. It makes me feel really guilty when I do leave but, as there is nothing to eat in the evenings (the cafeteria closes at 5:30 and 4:30 on Friday) I have to leave the hospital. The cafeteria is also closed on week-ends. I also won't be much good if I'm more worn out than I already am, so it's best for me to leave. My phone numbers are written on his board in his room and from my parking place to the parking lot at the Mayo is exactly 6 miles and takes 10 minutes.

Hopefully the nurses are right and it was just the mucus and not something else. Will let everyone know tomorrow. For now, I'm going to bed.

1 comment:

  1. Don't feel guilty about leaving, Bill knows you have to eat and rest. He needs to realize that you only have to "you" He has a whole floor of professionals taking care of his every need, and who does Beth have, "Beth" that is it. You don't want to collaspe and that is what can happen if you don't pace yourself. I have experienced this many times and have finally realized what going to happen is going to happen. Ok, I am through griping, and I know the emotional stain you are under, been there. Tell Bill I said hello and get well soon. YOU take care of yourself and get some rest.
