Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Today was an interesting day. Bill had his appointment with the sleep drs. and they both wanted him to do a sleep study. Apparently the pulse ox test that was done when we were here in May showed a few episodes where his O2 sat dropped into the low 80s and stayed there for a lengthy time. The more experienced dr. was adamant that he have the study done either tonight or tomorrow night and would have preferred to have the surgery postponed. So, a bed was open for tomorrow night and they decided they would do a shortened study so that he could still get to the hospital by 5:30 Thursday morning. But, we hadn't been home 30 minutes before his nurse was on the phone telling him that Dr. Yip, his primary doc, had cancelled the test. He said that Bill needed to spend tomorrow night with his family and the study could be done after the implant!

What seems odd to us is if it was critical to have this test done, why wasn't it done when we were here in July? Why wait until now? And, if this needed checked out, why was the surgery scheduled before the consult? It seems that the main problem would be weaning him from the ventilator after the surgery along with the usage of painkillers and anesthesia.

So, everything is back to the way it was. We have a full day of final consults tomorrow and a few more last minute tests. So we are up and out early in the morning. The girls and Jack made it here about 6:30 this evening. I'm not sure if we're taking Aimee to the hotel to meet Mary and Jack in the morning or if she's just going to hang out at the condo and let them come to her. They're planning on going to the beach. It's up to them, we know where we're going to be!

All for tonight. Going to see if we can get some sleep. It's getting harder to turn the brain off!

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