Bill was partially awake when I got there yesterday morning. Harding, his night nurse, said he had a good night and slept most of it, but he must have needed to recover more from getting up the day before. We don't think anything about getting out of bed, but, if you think about it, when we're sick, the first time we get up, we're usually pretty weak and get tired easily too.
But, he was medicated and in the chair before 9 am, even after having to be cleaned up from a bowel movement just as they were moving him. He didn't look comfortable at all, he was kind of cockeyed, so after rounds Mikaila got him a little better situated. He managed to stay the 2 hours, but he didn't even want the TV on.
Dr. Threlkeld said they didn't know what was growing yet, but he thought only a week on the antibiotics would work since he looked better. Dr. Muir said that his hematocrit was slowly inching down and he would need blood either today or tomorrow probably. But, there hasn't been in blood in his urine since Thursday I think, so it's now a mystery as to where it's going.
Those were the only doctors I saw. I came home super early to take care of some business. Since the wifi at the hospital is so bad, I can't do anything on the computer except play some games. And I needed to pay bills and look up some paperwork. So, I told Bill I was coming home early and he was OK with it. I told him Mikaila would take good care of him and that if something happened and I needed to come back she would call me.
There hasn't been any more talk of discharge, or at least to me. I haven't heard back from the social worker or anyone else on it. What little research I've been able to do leads me to needing to consult an attorney on how to move some assets, without penalty, so that Bill will qualify for Medicaid. And from what I've read in a book I bought several years ago on elder care, the application for the extra money from the VA can take several months. So, nice of the hospital to spring this on us now, when it's almost too late. But, I'm not going to worry about it...too much.
I did manage to get the bills paid, but didn't get the research done. I'll blame my sister for that. She called just as I got home, thinking I was still at the hospital, and of course we talked until I would have gotten home, so I lost all of my extra time. But, that's OK, I could have told her I couldn't talk long! I'm going to have to start taking some time away from the hospital. I've let things slide so much here at the house and this is the time of year that car tag renewals come up and different business things that others can't do it for me.
Our changing weather has my sinuses in a tizzy today. Hopefully the meds will kick in and the headache will start to go away, along with the sinus drainage. If not, I'm going to be really miserable!
All for this morning. It's cooler than it has been the last few days so maybe our stormy days are over. The birds are singing and I would not be happy with that if I was still able to sleep longer. As it is, it's a nice sound.
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