Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Something new was added for the staff yesterday that is somewhat concerning for me...face shields. Not just for those who are actively at risk with bodily fluids, everyone. Well, the doctors didn't, but the nurse practitioners did. I asked Molly if it was something I should be concerned about and she said nothing had been said other than the staff was to wear them. This coupled with the fact that they are now testing all employees makes me wonder. But, I didn't even have to stop at the desk and be approved to come up to the unit. Felicia just waved me on through.

Bill has started running a low grade fever and Dr. Threlkeld is getting concerned, not starting antibiotics yet, but really watching. He said Bill's face is a good barometer on how he is feeling and he can tell he's not feeling all that great again.

He told me it was hard to breathe when I got there, but his numbers were ok, a little low, but OK. Eric came in and gave a breathing treatment and suctioned and that helped. For most of the day his sats stayed up and there were no alarms. He did have an episode of V-tach, but to look at him you wouldn't know anything was going on. But, the alarm was going off on the monitor for a good little bit.

He's developed a lump on the inside of his right elbow and it's quite swollen around and above it. The night nurse took a picture of it and sent it to Dr. Edwards and asked if she needed to move his blood pressure cuff. They have again put it on his upper arm instead of his lower arm. He said to leave it, he wasn't concerned about a DVT in that arm again. Bill said the lump hurt to touch it.

His left arm is so bruised and black that it looks like a tattoo sleeve. It starts just at his wrist bone and goes all the way up his arm. But his hand is perfectly normal looking. His right arm is not as bad now, but it was on that hand too. Dr. Edwards said it's just from the blood thinners and any extra sticks they have to do. It is only the skin and not down into the flesh.

He's somewhat constipated from all of the formula switching. He was complaining about his belly hurting and I think that's why. He was going to get a stool softener with his 4 pm meds so hopefully that helped.

His urine output has dropped off all of a sudden. Molly and I were wondering if there wasn't another clot trying to form that was blocking it again so she did a bladder scan and everywhere she pressed, she got no urine present. She she texted Drs. Morris and Edwards. One of them sent back that he didn't want to do anything at the moment because his creatnine was below 1 which is low, so it's just something else to keep an eye on. At least it was nice pale urine again, no blood.

He sat in his chair for 2 hours and then insisted he get back into bed. I think it's because they had him a little cock-eyed and he was just uncomfortable. Once he was back in bed he watched TV and waved at people to come in. He's moving his arms really well again, but he's not moving his legs much. Of course they keep those inflatable boots and circulation things on so it might be harder for him to move those. He did have his legs bent in the bed instead of straight out.

The swelling he's been having in his legs is coming and going. His right foot was still swollen, but his legs weren't as swollen and the swelling had all disappeared from his groin area.

I got another little surprise yesterday. Dr. Edwards nurse said it shows it his chart that they've found 2 VA nursing homes in Arkansas that are willing to take him...one in Little Rock (3 hours away) and one in Fayetteville (about 5 hours away in the northwest corner of the state). She told them those wouldn't work. I told her what Dr. Edwards said Saturday and that was the first she had heard of it, so he evidently didn't put it in his notes. I was going to come home and start the process again for Medicaid, but decided not to. Maybe just a little bit of rebellion on my part. I did get a text from a friend that she has found a home health company that she's using for her husband that works with trach and vent patients. I may call her to get the info. She said it's self pay so we'll have to see how that goes as far as cost. It would still be a huge undertaking with hospital beds and all the other equipment. So, something to think about today.

I did come home a little earlier and treated the carpets with flea powder. I also washed all of the throws the cats usually lay on and then a load of jeans for me, that are still in the dryer and need to be turned on before I get dressed to go. It actually felt good to do some normal stuff. I wasn't hungry as I had eaten a huge rice bowl with steak and peppers and green beans and mushrooms for lunch. So, I fed the outside cats and got to work. I didn't even eat anything until after 7 and it was only peanut butter toast. But, that was enough. I had called to check on the cats and they are better, but not on the "Go Home" list yet, so I'm calling back today.

I finally got a callback from the dumpster people. She's supposed to be emailing me the paperwork, but still nothing this morning. That little area will completely fall in before they get the thing here! Especially since it rained in the night and is supposed to rain today.

I talked with a good friend last night, and she made me feel a lot better. We prayed together over the phone and laughed and cried. It was a totally unexpected phone call, and it was just what I needed. So, without saying any names, thanks again my friend, I love you!

That's all I've got for today. I think I got the highlights in anyway. Let's see what today brings!

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