It has been one week now since Bill has passed away and many are wondering how I'm doing. I think I'm doing OK. Granted I still have moments when a hug from a grandson, who is now bigger than me, makes me tear up, or the tears that come with sympathy cards or messages start a marathon session of tears. But, for the most part, I think I'm doing OK.
It helps that is has been a busy week with the destruction/reconstruction of the storage area. As most projects go, there have been some unexpected things pop up, but as of yesterday afternoon, when the storm hit, the new insulation and plywood was all finished and covered in plastic sheeting. I was hoping the siding could start going on today, but we've got a nasty storm headed our way right now, so I don't think any work will get done today. But, that's OK, too. The area is protected.
I haven't been able to accomplish too much with the business part of death because I still don't have any death certificates! I don't know if the COVID-19 deaths are slowing things down at the crime lab in Tennessee, but as far as I know, the crematory has not received them. And, anything official has to have a certified death certificate. I've managed a few things such as cancelling his phone line and his DirecTv account. They couldn't just transfer it to my name, according to AT&T. I had to set up a new account. But, my bill is going to be half of what we were paying for a full year before going up to full price and then I can always bargain with them. Yet, when I called DirecTV, they said I could just transfer the old one to my name. So, his has been cancelled, my new dish and receivers were installed yesterday, and I'm not getting all the channels I'm supposed to, and I keep getting the screensaver during the middle of a program. It keeps telling me there's no signal, yet, I still get sound from the program and I can just hit the exit button and the screensaver goes away and the program is back. It's going to take a little getting used to. But, the installer only lives a block away so he said to call him directly if there is any problem. Of course with the rain today the cloud cover will make it hard.
People have been asking when Bill's service will be and of course the answer is still "I don't know, I haven't received his ashes yet". I think I have it narrowed down to the end of June. And while that seems like a long time to wait, it's not like most people think a funeral should be, as in being held soon after death. So, we wait.
I did finish his obituary yesterday and am uploading it to the crematory this morning. I found out from the newspaper that I can't submit it directly to them, it has to come from a funeral home. I guess that makes it "official". I guess they will bill be for it since the crematory has already been paid. It is not "the story of his life" like they suggested. I don't like those myself, so the one that I wrote is what I wanted. And since I used to be the obituary desk when I worked at the newspaper, I knew how to do it. I did find it a little harder to do when it's your husband, but I think it is tasteful. I'll upload it here in another post.
I had an unusual encounter a couple of days ago. Bryan and I went to Lowe's to buy the insulation and wood and we looked at security doors for the new access. I found one I liked online and of course they didn't have it in the store. I'm going to let Lowe's install it and when I was setting it up and chatting with the associate about why we needed it, he stopped and asked if I lived on Holly St in about the 1600 block. I told him yes, but he had the wrong block and when I told him the address, he said he thought it was his parent's house. Sure enough, when I asked his name, it was his parent's house! He remembered the storage area well and said that yes, it always stayed wet with them too. He also said that he and his wife lived in the apartment for a few months when he returned from the army. Talk about a small world!
We got a new great-grandson Monday. Bill would have loved to have seen his picture, especially with his big sisters holding him. Maybe they will tell him stories of his great-grandpa.
That's all I've got for today. I still have to decide what to do with this blog. I miss writing it. It's been suggested by more than one person that I turn it into a book. I'll have to really think on that.
Have a good holiday week-end! Remember the fallen who gave their lives for the freedoms we have. But, please, don't thank current members, their day is in November. So many people get them all lumped together. Let this day remain for the fallen.
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