Saturday, January 11, 2020

It's a dark and stormy morning. At least it's still fairly warm (hence the storms) because I came home to no heat yesterday. Bryan came over and got it going, but it didn't last long. It's not uncomfortable but when this storm front gets completely through the temps are supposed to drop and then it will get uncomfortable.

I don't know if I'm going to the hospital this morning. We have a wind advisory until noon, already had 7 18 wheelers blown over on the highway, and there have been tornadoes in the Memphis area and lots of power outages. I tried looking at the outage map and the hospital may be running on generator power. It's much better for Bill to be there and taken care of and for me to stay home and off the roads and see about getting the heat fixed.

Bill slept most of the day yesterday and I found out that he had been bad in the night. Kellye said that he had become agitated before shift change at 7 and then was awake most of the night and took his oxygen off and got combative when they tried to put it back on. This can be common for people who are in the hospital for long periods of time, and of course I wasn't there on Thursday so his routine was thrown off. And since he doesn't process information well all the time, he probably forgot I wasn't coming and got a little anxious if they asked him questions, or gave him information.

His numbers were all pretty good for the most part. His sats would drop when he moved as usual. His oxygen concentration was at 60%. At one point he told me that he couldn't breathe and needed a mask on. I told him it wouldn't do any good, that all of his oxygen was going through the place in his throat.

Kellye got the sutures removed, one had already come out on it's own and she snipped the other one. Then she got the site all cleaned up and put a medicated pad under the hard plastic that holds the cannula in. He has been very sore where secretions have irritated it, so maybe this will help.

His hematocrit was a little low yesterday, so he got another unit of blood. They aren't sure why it's periodically dropping because he's not actively bleeding anywhere and there isn't any blood in his urine or stools. They do have a hematologist following, just to stay on top of things.

He's doing well on the new feeding formula. His stools have finally firmed up so maybe he won't be quite as irritated as he has been.

I could have ended up owning the hospital yesterday! As I was heading back to his room from the cafeteria an employee of the hospital (well-dressed in a suit but with a hospital ID badge) came barreling around a corner and just about knocked me over, and just kept going! He didn't even do a stutter step or sidestep or say anything, he just kept going. I really wish I had stuck my cane out and tripped him! I did stumble a bit and it's a good thing I had my cane, but just think of what a stink that would have caused, if someone in administration knocked down a crippled old lady!

My hip is better this morning, no pain when I got up and only minor pain while moving. My hand is more sore from gripping the cane!

So, that's it for now. I'll make a decision before long about going to the hospital after the weather moves through, or staying home to get the furnace taken care of. It's dropped another degree already. Of course, I can take a chance with the fireplace. It's didn't get cleaned again and I'm always leery about using it if it's been a while since it's been used. But, we haven't had that many fires in the last couple of years, so it might be OK. And I do have dry wood in the house. We'll just have to see what happens.

Since this storm system is so wide, stay warm, stay dry, stay safe!

1 comment:

  1. Beth, I know you like to be at the hospital to know and take notes of everything that is happening and I certainly understand that, however if you don't take a day frequently away and for yourself, you will eventually burn out. Bill will be well taken care of, tho he thinks you should be there, That's not the real Bill, but the spoiled Bill
