Wednesday, July 25, 2012

French toast with blueberries, veggie omelet, sausage links and apple's what Bill had for breakfast! And it was not pureed! He ate about half of it and had no problems chewing or swallowing. The juice was not quite nectar thick so it was the thinnest liquid he has had. This of course was the final prep for his modified barium swallow study tomorrow morning. We'll go back tomorrow afternoon to get the results. We wish it was back to back, but it's not. It will also throw off all of his therapy. They will try to fit it in between the study and the time we have to go back for the consult.

His wound is so small now it's hard to believe it was as big as it was. The measurements today were 3.7 cm in length (compared to 7 cm to start with) 1.6 cm in width (compared to 3 cm) and 0.3 cm deep (compared to 3 cm deep). The nurses seem to think that Dr. Landolfo will recommend that the wound vac be discontinued and just cover it with a sterile dressing to let it close on it's own now. There is no drainage to speak of and the lump that was beside it has disappeared. They think that it was a pocket of fluid that has been drained and the rest of the fluid will be re-absorbed by his body.

He has done so well now with standing unaided. Of course someone is always with him when he stands but he's very steady on his feet now. He did get a little wobbly when he was getting into bed tonight, but he was concerned with the tubing on the vac and his feeding tubing since he had been connected for the night. But, stubborn man that he is, he didn't want to get into bed before they connected him.

No other news that I can think of. Keep everything crossed that can be crossed, and don't forget the prayers that this study tomorrow is successful. It will mean that he can start a regular/semi-regular diet and the gtube can be removed. I'll let you know the results tomorrow night.

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