It's cold and rainy this morning, a good day to sit and read or knit. And I will do both, or either of those things...when I get to the hospital and dry out! Memphis should be fun this morning!
Bill was awful before I got there yesterday, and for a lot of the day. It wasn't because I wasn't there (remember I had some business to take care of), he just didn't want anyone to touch him. He also hadn't slept again. We are seeing a pattern of sleeping every other night and then he usually sleeps all day, which he did not do yesterday.
He had used the bathroom and the only way I knew was a dirty gauze pad on his tray table. So I checked and when the PCA came in to clean him up she said he tried to hit her when she tried earlier and she wasn't going to stand for that. This is the aide I wasn't real sue about the first day and I had 2 thoughts on it, no, you don't have to take abuse from patients, and the other was he's a weak man, get some help from his male nurse. They had also unplugged his call button from the wall. I guess if he had really been in distress the vent would have alarmed.
Anyway, I told Bill he was acting like a 2 year old and the kids got spanked when they acted like that. He finally let her clean him up and let Dallas give him his medicine, which was now 2 hours later than it should have been, and not in the 2 hour window allowed. So, he and I had to have a talk. He was writing again, but this time I could read it. He basically wanted to leave, he wants clothes, he wanted me to kick all of these people out of the house (don't know where that thought came from). Most of his tirade came from wanting clothes on. I finally told him I was not taking poopy underwear home to wash so until they said he could have clothes on, he wasn't getting any.
When I left to get lunch he used the bathroom again and when cleaning himself from using his urinal he used half a box of tissues trying to clean himself. The aide said he actually did a pretty good job, but there was stool all over his tray table. So, while she cleaned him, I cleaned that.
I ran into Caleb from ICU in the cafeteria and he came up to see him. He's also going to get me some more of the good gowns. All they have on 4 are the plastic ones that make you sweat. To sit all day I like the cloth ones and since I don't have to toss them each time I leave the room, I can just leave it on my chair. But, since I got it dirty yesterday, I had to use my last one. He told me to give him a bit, they didn't have anyone in isolation and he would have to order some and put one back for me.
We also had a surprise visit from son Joe! He was in Memphis for a court hearing on his SS disability, which he finally won. We hadn't seen him for quite awhile and it was a good but short visit.
The picc line nurse came to change the dressing on his picc line so Joe and I were banished from the room. When I got back, therapy was there. He had already done OT and worked on his shoulders...without complaint. He impressed the therapists with how much more he was able to move about. He sat in his chair and they gave him the little pedal machine they have. He pedaled about 6 minutes I think, and his numbers stayed pretty stable. He didn't complain about being in the chair. He just sat and worked his puzzle book.
His vent was turned down to 4 yesterday and a few times he complained that he couldn't breathe. I think it's because he was having to do more of the breathing on his own since it was only giving him 4 breaths per minute. Quite a change from 15 a week ago. I don't know if it will stay at 4 or if he will go to CPAP today. I guess I'll find out when I get there.
He was in a much better mood when I left. Dallas had put him back to bed, gave him his night meds and hooked up his new bag of food. He said that way he wouldn't have to be disturbed too much. I told him if they can keep the room as quiet and dark as possible, he might do better. I'm hoping that since he hadn't slept in the day at all either that he would go to sleep and sleep all night. I didn't get any calls, so I guess however the night went, he was manageable.
That's it for this time. I'm hoping the rain will let up enough to feed the outside cats, but they will forage if necessary. It's not raining quite as hard as it was, but still raining. And I need to get dressed. I'm so glad I did laundry last night, at least I'll have clothes for a few days anyway. Stay dry and warm or cool if you're in a warm spot.
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