Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Yesterday was the best day of the last few days. Bill still slept a lot, but he did wake up and responded to questions. His numbers on his monitor were great. His heart rate was under 100 for the first time in 3 days.

Dr. Okpor, the lung doctor on this week, came in, didn't say anything except to ask who I was in relation to Bill and ask if I had any questions. I asked about the chest x-ray and he said he hadn't looked at it but would and left. That was the last I saw of him.

Between others coming in, and I have a headache this morning and can't even really think, I learned that the abdominal x-ray didn't show anything abnormal, and the chest x-ray didn't show any new aspirations. So that was a relief. Allison did turn his tube feeds down to 20 mL from his usual 40 and he had no episodes of vomiting yesterday, although he was pretty gurgly at times.

He had some therapy and Jody told me she could tell that he was actually moving his limbs himself, that she wasn't doing all of the work. He sat on the edge of the bed for about 3 minutes, with support, and then got back to bed. She could tell that wore him out.

Respiratory tried to turn his oxygen down to 40% again, but his sats started dropping. He seems to like a concentration of 50% the best. As soon as it was turned back up, his numbers went back up.

He helped some with his bath, turning and pulling himself over using the bed rails and he hadn't done that in several days. After his bath he was really zonked!

Dr. Threlkeld came in late in the day, which is unusual for him, and said that he has the kind of asthma that produces a cough and he coughed really hard in the morning...and broke a rib! So he wasn't going to bend down to listen to him and that Janet would be by later. She did come by and checked him out. She's so gentle with him. She agrees that it is probably the cyst on his kidney that has ruptured causing the blood. Now, not only is there blood in his urine, but he just kind of seeps blood all the time. But, again, his numbers are good as far as that goes.

She did say that the end of the midline that we sent off to the lab has grown a bacteria, they are just waiting now to see what bacteria so they can adjust the antibiotic if necessary. She believes that that was the cause of everything that went on over the week-end.

Hmm, I hope that was a car starting down the street and not thunder, although there are supposed to be some storms this morning. Then again, maybe if the rain would start my head would stop hurting.

Memphis has initiated a 6 pm curfew starting last night. I think I'll be OK since I'm usually out of the city by that time. I have a couple of things going for me, I don't live in Memphis, so I can say I'm just trying to get out of the city, and I'll be on the highway, and they can't shut those down. So far there are still no problems getting into the hospital. They have now shut down the Starbucks and the gift shop, but that may be more the city than the hospital. I can also stay at the hospital if necessary.

I've become the keeper of the gowns left in the room, as to who put theirs where. I fell down on the job when Tyler's went missing. I think it probably got knocked to the floor and thrown away after Bill's bath. But, they finally got some of the plastic ones so the ones who come in and out of the rooms can use those. Bill is now the only isolation patient in the unit.

That's it, I'm running late, but I'm tired with a headache, so I'm not going to rush. There has been less traffic except for trucks so I've been getting good parking spaces and it's not taking as long to drive it since there are less cars on the road.

More later.

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