Okay folks, here's what you've all been waiting for. It may not be what we wanted but here's the latest. Radiology has decided that it is too risky to do the MRI. So, we're going to have to rely on the CT scan. The consensus now is that he has had a stroke, connected with the surgery, and it seems to be affecting his right side more than the left. He will squeeze with his left hand but not the right, although he will move the right arm and leg some. His right eye also doesn't want to open all the way.
Since he has been on the vent for 11 days now, they are going to go ahead and do a tracheotomy. Bill is not coughing enough to clear his lungs and is still having to be suctioned. They are also hearing some rattles in his chest. Pneumonia is not an option for him since his immune system is being suppressed for the heart. The trach is a temporary measure but should allow him a little more freedom and may make it easier for him.
They are also scheduling his first heart biopsy. A lot of you are wondering why he needs a biopsy and this is to check for rejection. Even if the transplant had gone smoothly, he would have weekly biopsies for the first month, every other week for the second month, monthly until 6 months out and then every other month for the rest of the first year. The procedure is usually done as an outpatient and through the neck, but his is going to be done in the cath lab through his groin. So far we have not been told when this, or the trach, will be done. I know the trach can be done bedside.
He was very responsive this morning when I got here, opened his eyes and looked right at me, squeezed my hand and moved some. But, as soon as physical therapy came in, he went back to sleep and didn't respond at all. Shortly after he left, he started responding again.
His lasix was changed to bumax so that his potassium won't be depleted as fast as yesterday. After his electrolytes came back up he hasn't had any more episodes of v-tach. His arterial pressure is also better today than yesterday, although it wasn't bad yesterday. The fever is also gone.
There you have it. When things get rolling I'll let you know.
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